New Print Book!
Storm Squalls is a new, updated anthology featuring the original stories from Storm Chaser Shorts as well as additional stories and material. This will be the first print version of all stories in the anthology, as Storm Chaser Shorts was orignally published by Whiskey Creek Press in EBook only formats.
Pardon our dust - book and website changes coming soon
As we transition to new editions of all books in the Storm Chaser series, links and pages may go down or redirect. For immediate purchase links when these titles go live, you can check out (or follow) Mark's Amazon Author page, or sign up for our newsletter (form at the bottom of this page). Thanks for understanding!
New Slightly off the Mark!

Mark's newest humor column book is available now.
For purchase links, info, and samples, visit the book page here.Seeking Photos for Albion Fire Department book 2
Mark is seeking photographs for use in his second book about the Albion, Indiana Volunteer Fire Department. Submissions and information can be sent directly to him via email. Thanks!